West Paris Public Library

Cabin Fever Concert with Members of the Mollyockett Chorus: Sunday, March 16 at 2 pm

Mollyockett Chorus

Treat your cabin fever by joining us at the West Paris Public Library on Sunday, March 16 at 2 pm for a lovely concert with members of the Mollyockett Chorus.

Light refreshments will be served after the concert.

The Mollyockett Chorus was organized in 1996 and is a chapter of Harmony Inc., an international women's barbershop organization. Under the direction of Simon Smith of Bethel, the chorus sings lively popular music, mostly from early to mid-20th century, in 4-part acapella harmony. The singers come from towns throughout western Maine, Oxford Hills, the Lake Region and the Bethel area. For more information about the Mollyockett Chorus email the chorus at mollyockettchorus@gmail.com or visit the chorus on Facebook

This event is FREE!

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